Coming along at the last minute to lunch with a publisher, it occurred to me that Roy’s was really only exceptional for the fish. Jon had been trying to get me to eat fish for a while, and hand-fed me salmon and tuna nigiri over the weekend. Since I haven’t eaten meat in 10 years, I thought it might be interesting to try fish again, to maybe make me more versatile when I eat out or travel. The last week or so has dragged at work and made me crave oddly safe ways to make my life more exciting. So when I walked in I decided maybe this would be the right meal to order a real fish entrĂ©e.
A lobster potsticker, some ahi sashimi with caviar and a butterfish later (butterfish is so cool, it’s like it serves you as you eat it, like - would you like another bite? and another light layer gently peels down before you) I was experiencing fish-protein overload.
I was worried I might have a stomachache, but I really just feel kind of fuzzy, like there’s water in my ears or somehow otherwise part of my brain is submerged in water. I’ve heard about these protein highs, that people get when they eat meat after being vegetarian for a while.
So now it’s 3:00, I’m behind after a 2-hour lunch, sitting in my office chair feeling like I’m floating-