Sunday, July 16, 2006

after the rager

After our F. Scott Fitzgeraldian party on Friday to celebrate my birthday among other things, there were 4 hours of cleanup and enough alcohol to easily throw another 80-guest party. I had my reservations about the risks involved in combining all of the disjointed acquaintances I have ( coworkers, computer nerds, designers, hipsters, freemasons, students, chemists, accountants) with the somewhat less disjointed acquaintances my roommates have (they all went to the same art school together), but there were enough people to keep things from getting awkward. It's great how into throwing parties my roommates are, especially Kelly, who's an awesome designer, and designed the party flyer in which I was transformed into cartoon via Adobe Illustrator. A hundred burgers and buns vaporized, cakes vanished, empty bottles accumulated and people said, 'you guys really know how to throw down.'
It's such a cool thing to have almost everyone you like in the entire Bay Area make an appearance within a few hours of each other, share the same space, even interact (if they're social enough).
Even though I now have nothing notable on my calendar for...ever now, there was no post-party letdown, partly because it's still my birthday-week-and-weekend-celebration-period, but mostly because things have been going so well, and there's been no shortage of quality people and great opportunities to recreate.

Jon, the resident Gmail expert I've been seeing, invited me out for birthday dinner last night to Bong Su, which was possibly the best Vietnamese I have ever had. And I mean great Vietnamese. He was worried when we first looked at the menu that there didn't seem to be a lot in the way of vegetariana, and I assured him that this is San Francisco, one of the best cities for vegetarians in the world, and I'd get by. I didn't even have to try either, because the waiter just picked out 3 courses for me and went back to the kitchen to have the chef alter the menu for me (the best vegetarian dishes in San Francisco are the ones that the waiter and chef collaborate to make up). I also love not having to make any decisions because I'm so tragically indecisive, so this was phenomenal. It was really nice of him to take me out for my birthday to such a great place, especially since the poor guy was so wrecked from an epic 50-mile bicycle ride that day that it appeared to cause him excruciating pain to even grip and maneuver utencils. When he dropped me off at 10:30 so he could crash out, my roommate looked at me with concern like, 'dinner didn't go so hot?' but I assured her it wasn't something I said. We concluded that we should go out, and just then I saw a text message from Avi that said he was in the city and down to meet up if I wasn't [sic: something disturbingly vulgar] and was free to hang out. He came over and we drank several half-empty (that's right) bottles of wine leftover from the rager, when my other roommate awoke from her post-sailing nap (she's so high class), and we recruited her too. I probably overdid the preparty given how hard I saw myself dancing, an unfortunately placed mirror revealed. I was also wearing these shoes that were a bit unusual, which turned out not to be as comfortable as I thought for walking 14 blocks to the Mission and dancing on for several hours, and as we were flagging down a cab Avi said that's what I get for wearing those gremlin shoes. For the record, I've gotten compliments on them too, Avi.

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