Thursday, January 11, 2007

the tragedy!

My roommate just called to tell me my bike's missing.
It was just last night we were riding back from the Mission and I said I wonder if it's finally time for a better bicycle. But my 1950s, $15 garage sale bicycle, fixed with 3 Saturdays of love at the bike kitchen, ridden many a Saturday afternoon to the park and many a Thursday night out drinking, which I ride to the gym because I don't want to walk down 9th street in the dark by myself, with its gears I can't quite figure out how to change, my stylin' faded rustcolored bicycle that I never had to worry about getting stolen - I wasn't ready to give up on it yet. Now it looks like it's been stolen. I swear I locked the patio when I left this morning. And our neighborhood really isn't that bad. I mean - I didn't think it was.


Joel Franusic said...

Apparently this is a common thing in San Francisco.

Anonymous said...

A song comes to mind:

I'm really sorry Steven
But your bicycle's been stolen
I was watchin it for you
'Til you came back in the fall
Guess I didn't do such a good job after all

I was feeling really sorry Steven
And I spent all morning grieving
And everybody's saying
That you'll take the news gracefully
Somehow I don't think I'll be getting off that easily

I meant her no harm
When I left her unlocked
Outside the Orange Street Food Farm
I was just running in
Didn't think I'd be that long
I came out, she was gone
And all that was there was some bored old dog
Leashed up to the place where your bicycle had been
Guess we'll never see poor Madeleine again

Let this be consolation, Steven
That all the while you were in England
I treated her with care and respect
And gave her lots of love
And I was usually pretty good 'bout locking her up

Where has she gone?
Well, I bet she's on the bottom of a Frenchtown pond
Rudely abused on some hescher's joyride
So I wrote you this song
In the hopes that you'd forgive me
Even though it was wrong
Being so careless with a thing so great
And taking your poor Madeleine away, away

Avi said...

Oh no!! Sorry to hear.. Yea, I'm super anal about taking my bike up the steps into my apt.. But, I am stoked that you know about the Bike Kitchen and can hopefully show me that shit once I get back into the SF area.. And this is a cute song. And you're rich now, get a nice super-light bike that you can carry up the steps and hang on the wall! Drunk bike-riding is swell, they have these plastic batman "sippy-cups" at Target that hold a full beer and won't spill even if you drop them (the lids screw on), $2 very well spent.