Wednesday, February 06, 2008

how poorly run the ron paul campaign was

I got a text message at 9:30 am, an hour after voting, that said:

Ron Paul: the only Republican 4 low taxes, less spending, gun rights, no amnesty, and no UN. Paid for by Ron Paul 2008, PCC, 2 STOP reply STOP

The problems with this:
Text message advertising is dumbed-down, annoying and ineffective
Ron Paul's platform is not compelling in dumbed-down bullet points, and his base is not well-reached in this way
My area code is in the Bay Area - it's unlikely that most of those factors are what would motivate me to vote for Ron Paul
As a working person, this came an hour after I already cast my vote
I'm not sure where they got my phone number, but if it was from a list of likely voters, a text message like this actually makes me view him less favorably

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that would have to be a major turn-off. I would be more inclined to support a candidate who was in favor of the death penalty for spammers.