Wednesday, September 26, 2007

workplace ambush

Web dev dude appears in my cube. We had talked at a drinks thing over a month ago, where I mentioned my boyfriend, staying over at my boyfriend's house, taking BART to work from my boyfriend's house, and my boyfriend at least a dozen times.
"Wow, I didn't know you ever made it to this side of the office."
"I came over here just to say hi to you."
S walks by and I engage him in accounting talk for a few minutes while he notices ominously hovering web dev dude and comes up with an excuse to vanish.
"You guys seem pretty busy."
"Yeah, I'm in a job transition."
Blah, blah, we talk about my internal transfer. Not sure why he would be coming over to my cube during the work day to talk to me a month after the last time we had an actual conversation, when he knows I have a boyfriend.
"So, what are you doing for lunch today?"
I go into some excuse based loosely on true facts about how I'm supposed to call some friend of a friend during my lunch hour.
"Okay, see you later," he says while walking away.
It feels rude that I blew him off and didn't suggest we do another time, because he might just be trying to be friends, and I would have made an effort with someone else, but I'm pretty sure I saw this scene in our sexual harassment training video, where module after module this woman leads the IT temp on until he's totally obsessed with her.
Not that that's realistic, but it would have been easier to say yes to a lunch invite if he was bringing friends, or if it was otherwise disguised it as something not totally inappropriate like trying to date your coworker who has a boyfriend.

Friday, September 14, 2007

when work is slow

Crazy things happen when work is so slow that I get through enough blogs to read Adfreak.
Going to have to add these to my wishlist:

Monday, September 10, 2007

L: I want to be perfect.
E: peh, i want to be me
L: I don't. I want to be perfect. fake-me.
E: why- thats no fun
L: it would be fun if I were
E: i'd rather be exactly what i am and live in that, and find people who make me feel ok with it and who complement it
E: then i can stop worrying and just be
L: I'm working towards achieving ideal me.
E: hm
E: i gave up on that
E: its working out really well
L: because I think I'll never find anyone who complements needy-me
E: thats a lie
E: every pot has a lid
L: I wish I believed that
L: I think you can find a makeshift lid for every pot but you're always at a yard sale
L: um. nevermind