Tuesday, June 27, 2006

a miraculous cure

Taking my roommate's advice, I e-mailed the librarian on Friday telling him I still had his movie and wanted to swap back, and asked if he wanted to meet up at Tartine for breakfast.
When I hadn't even heard back by Sunday, I knew he was opting to ignore it, which as we know means he is so dumb because even if you don't like me, it's really hard to turn down breakfast at Tartine (especially potentially free breakfast at Tartine), even harder than it is to have Almodovar's Talk To Her in your apartment for over a month and not have watched it yet. Anybody with a remote sense of politeness would have at least e-mailed back a thanks I'm busy. The guy must have a lack of follow-through of almost clinical proportions. In any case, today I saw him and handed him back The Apartment, and he told me he started watching Talk To Her last night and was almost done (exceptional evidence of lack of follow-through handicap). He sat next to me and we talked all the way back to the city, and neither of us mentioned the fact that I'd so nicely invited him to breakfast.
I don't know what it is about guys who feel like they have to act like seriously flaky assholes in order to not lead you on when they're not interested - especially when he was the one who approached me and asked me out in the first place. Honestly, I wouldn't have pushed things any further than that harmless breakfast invite. But after semi-putting myself out there I think I am finally cured of this crush.
I better as hell get my movie back though.

Sidenote: and guess who never called this weekend? Guess we can prune that guy out of my phone as well...

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