Saturday, June 17, 2006

punks in the Miata, among other things

There was nothing much doing on a Friday night, we were hanging out drinking red wine in the kitchen, and then the doorbell rang. It was just my roommate's sister dropping something off, but when he opened the door he saw the sight on 10th street - there were 8 cop cars on the street and 10 guys lined up cuffed in front of the auto shop. We all went into my room to watch it unfold. Looked like a drug bust of some kind - all 10 of them looked like suburban coke guys or something. We watched the cops waste city tax dollars talking, walking in circles and doing the occasional questioning with a notepad. This went on for almost an hour, and had probably been going on for a long time before then.
After like half an hour, we saw two punked out guys stand beside them. We were joking around, laughing about how we'd get to watch them talk trash to the cops. But then, they got into this blue Miata parked in front of the row of arrested men. We lost it laughing. They clumsily maneuvered around the cop cars as the cops finally loaded the guys one by one into a few of the 8 cop cars.

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