Tuesday, May 23, 2006

And speaking of tease

I saw my librarian crush at the station today with his buddy, who he promptly introduced me to. On the train, packed with Giants fans as of late, the friend sat down in an empty seat of a two-seater, leaving the two of us to a two-seater farther up. We talked the whole way, conversation was good though I was probably making some of my crazy nervous faces and laughing like a prepubescent boy.
Telling him about one of my favorite movies, Almodovar's Talk to Her, he suggested we do a swap. Then he got off the train at his stop giving me a killer smile and told me to have a nice night. Still no attempt to hang out with me. Obviously, he has lost all interest.
But that probably won't stop me from following through with the movie swap and dropping him a casual e-mail asking him to lunch, which I know is a terrible idea but what in God's name else am I supposed to do?

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